Chase and Ray

Chase and Ray
two of my three Jacks, luv um

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chase and Ray

This is a painting I did of my two JRTs Chase and Ray. They hang out with me when I paint. Chase, the tri colored one is pretty much my side kick, he follows me every where!!  Ray is my husbands side kick he likes to hunt in the yard while my husband is working outside. They both make me laugh!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring is in the air and so come the butterflies hanging out by the bird bath. I did this painting last spring and titled it Dave's Bird Bath because my husband Dave loves to watch the birds.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Indian Girl and Horse

When I was 13 yrs old I did a painting of an Indian girl and her horse. A friend of my grandmother wanted to buy it from me but I was not going to hear of it. I had painted this one for me!  Well when my brother moved out of the house he took my painting with him without my knowledge.  When I finally realized where my painting was, I just let it go. I figured if by brother liked it that much, let him have it. My brother through the yrs. has moved around quite a bit and in the process the painting is gone, lost who knows? Now as a much older adult I want my painting so I sat down and tried to recreate the painting I did when I was 13. This is the newer Indian Girl and Horse but the one I did at 13 in my eyes was so much better!  Don't know why but I miss the original and she will never be replaced it seems.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

painterlyspirit: Winter Storm

painterlyspirit: Winter Storm: "One of the paintings I did this winter after getting buried by one of our New England storms."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Winter Storm

One of the paintings I did this winter after getting buried by one of our New England storms.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Just started painting again, it's been awhile so I'm not sure how this will go. I don't have a lot of time to devote to painting but am finding the more I get back into it, the more I want to paint.